you may know, in September and October our church dedicates
time toward awareness, advocacy, and action for global
mission as part of the World Mission Offering. We are
able to participate in God’s work around the world
in partnership with International Ministries (IM), a
cross-cultural mission agency with a long heritage in
the American Baptist mission movement.
We have the tremendous opportunity to commit to pray
and to give as partners with International Ministries’
global servants.
Our response to this year’s World Mission Offering
is even more important this year, as IM’s global
servants and partners work to respond and rebuild their
ministries during and after the global pandemic.
How can you give to the World Mission Offering?
• Send your WMO gift to our church office. We
send these donations through our American Baptist Churches
USA regional office. If you give by check, please write
‘WMO 2020’ on the memo line.
Let us pray together that God will build a heart for
global mission in our church. I hope that the time we’ve
spent this month thinking about global mission can impact
us as Christians throughout the year. Kingdom work happens
all year long! Any time we dedicate prayer and financial
support for global mission, it will have a meaningful
impact on making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yadira Taylor, Missions Chair