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How To Become a Follower of Jesus

The Bible declares that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). This just means that when God created you and me He had something really amazing in mind. The problem is, none of us have all He planned for us to have – in this life, or the next!

The big issue is presented later in the book of Romans (6:23): “The wages of sin is death…” Want it straight? We’re walking dead men (and women). There are lots of ways for human beings to be “dead” and still walking around suffering through life. I’ll wager you know what I’m talking about.

The solution is pretty simple: “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ His Son.” (Same verse)

There is a problem though. Jesus said, “God so loved the world (that’s you and me) that He gave His only Son (that’s Jesus) that whosoever (you and me again) believes in Him should not perish (experience that living death I told you about) but have everlasting life (beginning here and now).” (John 3:16). THE PROBLEM is that believing in Jesus means buying in to what He said, what He did, and what He offers in exchange for your allegiance.


How To Become Part of the Body of Christ at Atwater Baptist Church

Once you’ve acknowledged Jesus as your Savior and the Lord of your life (determined to be obedient to His guidance for your life), and have decided you want to be part of our “body,” we’d love to talk to you about joining our fellowship. We’ll want you to follow the Lord in believers’ baptism (if you haven’t already) and commit yourself to an active ministry in our fellowship. That’s it. We’re not a club or an organization to join. We’re a ministry family, serving the Lord together to join Him in His mission: to become famous in Atwater and the surrounding area, to extend His kingdom (and reduce the enemy’s kingdom), and reconcile the world to Himself. That’s it! Contact pastor Paul to get the ball rolling! And welcome!


How To Contact Us:

Office (209) 358-5427

(209) 358-5425


Mailing address:
Atwater Baptist Church
2124 First Street
Atwater, CA 95301



Is Your Heart Ready for Disaster?

Accepting the Gospel truth essential now and for eternity

(CEN, Oct. 5) PHOENIX, Ariz. – With Christian relief and development agencies continuing their deployment throughout the Gulf Coast region of the United States, Christian Emergency Network (CEN) CEO and Founder Mary Marr said that Christians must see this time for the opportunity it is – to share the hope found only in Jesus.

Marr said, “CEN partners such as the Salvation Army, Convoy of Hope, Strategic World Impact and others are now on the ground earning the right to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their steps have been primed with prayer, they have provided care at every level – physical, emotional, and spiritual – and they have the answer to the problems and questions that no government or secular agency can answer. That is Jesus Christ.”

She added, “It is no secret that today in America, as throughout the recorded history of humanity, there are those opposed to Christians sharing their faith. However, we answer to a higher authority. Jesus commanded – yes, commanded – us to share our faith as we go through life. Certainly, one way to do that is to provide financial support for those ministries that have proven that they are prepared, capable and excellent, but that also do not waver in obeying the Great Commission.” She continued, “Even those not directly impacted by the storm are questioning where God is in all of this. There is no better time than the present for us to share with our families, friends, neighbors and coworkers this truth about Jesus – ‘Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved'"(Acts 4:12).

Marr remarked, “So, we encourage Christians throughout America to ask those they know and love, ‘Is your heart ready for disaster?’ Helping those you know to acknowledge and deal with that question may very well lead them to accept the truth of the Gospel, so that they can experience a purposeful life in the present and eternity in the presence of God.”

Marr noted, “Our own personal testimonies are likely our most powerful witnessing tool. However, Scripture promises it will not come back void. So, do not hesitate to open your Bible so that others can read for themselves the truth of Scripture.” She pointed to several verses, that used in order, can lead a person quickly through the core Gospel message. Those verses are: Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; 1 Peter 3:18; Acts 3:19; Ephesians 2:8; Romans 10:9-10; and, Romans 10:13.

Reminding Christians that CEN’s ministry is focused on conveying the hope of Christ through a prayer-care-share message, Marr asked that Christians consider each of these prayer requests and following information.

  • Pray that God will enable and embolden Christians to share their faith with non-Christians.
  • Pray that Christians will abandon idols and other temporal pleasures that stand in the way of their own witness.
  • Pray that God will shake Christians from their complacency and comfort and would adopt the same sense of urgency demonstrated by Jesus in His ministry.

Meanwhile, Strategic World Impact, an international ministry, has moved into areas devastated by Hurricane Rita, helping in a number of ways, including removing debris and bringing in generators. To learn more, visit www.swi.org

SHARE TIP: Join with CEN in committing to a lifetime of adopting the biblical response of prayer-care-share by becoming a CEN partner.

Pray-Care-Share Inspiration
SCRIPTURE: “And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be
thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]" Colossians 3:15.
Outlook: We turn our eyes, hearts and minds to You, Oh God, for in our weakness You are strong.
Song: “His Strength Is Perfect,” by Steven Curtis Chapman and Jerry Salley

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